
    Bus WiFi
    7 min read

    Improve Bus Behavior with WiFi

    School buses have always had issues with misbehaving students. Picture it. You have 50 or 60 students from various grade levels in a confined area, before or... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    Engaging Parents to Encourage STEM for Young Learners

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) has been talked about in the education world for years, and even recently it has changed to STEAM to add in the... Read More
    Customer Stories
    4 min read


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    Blog Posts
    7 min read

    Do Cell Phones Belong in Elementary Schools?

    It’s hard to believe that, not long ago, cell phones were a rare sight. Now, they’re everywhere—including in our elementary schools. And their appearance in the small... Read More
    Digital Learning
    12 min read

    10 Programs Tech-Savvy Districts Are Launching This Fall

    3D printers. Virtual reality. Tele-teaching. If it sounds like a vision of the future, it’s not. This technology is already here. Across the country,... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage increased... Read More
    Homework Gap
    4 min read

    Kajeet Introduces the League of Equity: 4 Homework Gap Heroes Closing the Digital Divide in Education

    Our heroes—a collection of homework-gap-fighting personalities who work tirelessly to close the digital divide in school districts across America—are part of the 2016... Read More
    Homework Gap
    2 min read

    The Need for Student MOOC Demands Broadband

    Resources available to those K-12 students who can access the Internet continue to expand at a rapid pace. Read More
    6 min read

    Report: What, When, How WiFi is Used on School Buses

    According to the American School Bus Council, 26 million students ride a school bus each year. Considering even students with a relatively short, 20-minute commute can... Read More