
    Mobile Broadband
    16 min read

    An Updated Look at 2017 Ed Tech Trends

    It feels like the school year just ended. But in a short while, students will be returning to classrooms across the country to begin another. It’s not just... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    8 min read

    Bus Wi-Fi: Saving Time for Your Students

    The average K-12 student spends 48.6 minutes per day riding the school bus. With 180 school days in an academic year, that means on average a student spends... Read More
    Homework Gap
    9 min read

    Addressing the Advanced Placement Equity Gap

    Advanced Placement (AP) courses provide high school students a more challenging environment and an opportunity to take on college-level work, with the... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    [INFOGRAPHIC] Extend the Classroom with Wi-Fi on Your Buses

    With 26,000,000 student bus riders across the nation, how can we extend the classroom to help them succeed? Kajeet, in conjunction with School Transportation... Read More
    Bus WiFi
    7 min read

    Improve Bus Behavior with WiFi

    School buses have always had issues with misbehaving students. Picture it. You have 50 or 60 students from various grade levels in a confined area, before or... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    Engaging Parents to Encourage STEM for Young Learners

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) has been talked about in the education world for years, and even recently it has changed to STEAM to add in the... Read More
    Digital Learning
    11 min read

    Top 10 TED Talks for Ed Tech

    TED Talks have spread ideas since 1984 and continue to spark passion for a variety of topics, from business to education, or anything in between. TED has... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    4 Tips for Keeping Student Data Private

    Today’s students come to the classroom with more than just fascinating personal histories and interesting outlooks on the world. They come with data. Lots of... Read More
    Digital Learning
    9 min read

    Why Teach Your K-12 Students How to Code?

    updated 4/7/2021 For decades, coding was seen as a rare, complicated skill that only few people understood and practiced. For many of us, it seemed impossible... Read More