
    Customer Stories
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    Digital Learning
    9 min read

    Schools Librarians: 21st-Century Ed Tech Pioneers

    With today’s ongoing digital learning revolution, it’s easy to think that school librarians, and the libraries they’re in charge of, are outdated. Why... Read More
    Digital Learning
    9 min read

    7 Ways to Improve Information Fluency

    Fake news—who writes it, how it spreads—is on everyone’s mind lately. But it’s not just news readers should be concerned about which stories are true and... Read More
    Blog Posts
    7 min read

    Do Cell Phones Belong in Elementary Schools?

    It’s hard to believe that, not long ago, cell phones were a rare sight. Now, they’re everywhere—including in our elementary schools. And their appearance in the small... Read More
    Digital Learning
    7 min read

    What is the New Role of School District CIOs?

    As technology continues to permeate every aspect of education, school district chief information officers (CIOs) can no longer operate in silos. Technology is... Read More
    Digital Learning
    10 min read

    Tips for Creating a More Effective Pilot Program

    With all the options available for bringing educational technology into the 21st-century classroom, deciding which program is the right fit for your school... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    4 Strategies for Teaching Digital Citizenship

    Expanding digital access to all children at all ages benefits both educators and students alike. At the same time, though, it opens the door to some new... Read More
    In the News
    9 min read

    Kajeet mobile hot spots provide home internet to students

    Original article found on Oklahoma City Free Press. Jamarco Prim, one of the first students allowed to take home a hot spot. Source: Oklahoma City Free Press. Read More
    9 min read

    Grant Writing Made Easy

    School districts face many challenges associated with identifying external funding sources for educational programs and creating successful grant... Read More