
    Digital Learning
    9 min read

    Top 5 Apps for Struggling Learners

    Technology can work wonders for students who struggle in school. Being a technology integration specialist in a middle school, I have personally seen this in... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    8 min read

    South Carolina District Begins Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Students practice student-led conferences in the classroom in South Caronlina’s Richland School District Two. The First Push “Ms. Williams, my mom said she... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage increased... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    7 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage... Read More
    Homework Gap
    4 min read

    Kajeet Introduces the League of Equity: 4 Homework Gap Heroes Closing the Digital Divide in Education

    Our heroes—a collection of homework-gap-fighting personalities who work tirelessly to close the digital divide in school districts across America—are part of the 2016... Read More
    Homework Gap
    2 min read

    The Need for Student MOOC Demands Broadband

    Resources available to those K-12 students who can access the Internet continue to expand at a rapid pace. Read More
    6 min read

    Report: What, When, How WiFi is Used on School Buses

    According to the American School Bus Council, 26 million students ride a school bus each year. Considering even students with a relatively short, 20-minute commute can... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    6 min read

    Protect Students & Save Money with Filters at Home

    A 1-to-1 program comes with a set of challenges. One of those challenges is having visibility into how kids are using their mobile devices at home. Are they chatting with... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    8 min read

    Checking Out Wi-Fi for Students is Easy

    As more school districts launch 1:1 initiatives and invest in digital curricula, the issue of Internet access at home for students becomes more important... Read More