Blog Posts

    8 min read

    Cañon City Schools: Creating a Completely Connected 1:1 Program

    Cañon City Schools Fremont RE-1 is a K-12 district covering Cañon City, Colorado, with 33 percent of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. Like... Read More
    12 min read

    10 New Grants for School Bus Fleets

    Kajeet SmartBus® is now eligible for E-Rate funding! Checkout out the press release, and be sure to visit our SmartBus school bus wifi page for more... Read More
    Blog Posts
    10 min read

    3G, 4G, 5G: What Ever-Evolving Wireless Networks Mean for Education

    Ninety-two percent of school districts currently meet the FCC’s E-Rate Modernization Order of providing 100 Mbps (megabits per second) per 1,000 students... Read More
    6 min read

    How to Turn Your School Bus Fleet into Next Generation Connected Buses

    Today’s school buses are more than just vehicles to transport students. They are mobile classrooms where students can continue to learn, get a jump start on homework, or... Read More
    1 to 1
    1 min read

    Chromebooks, Classrooms, & Connectivity: The Age of Chromebooks

    Schools across the nation have deployed (and continue to deploy) mobile learning initiatives. One device that is frequently mentioned for 1:1 programs or use in the... Read More
    Blog Posts
    12 min read

    Why Chromebooks Have Expanded in K-12 Classrooms

    Did you know Chromebooks made up 60 percent of all U.S. education shipments in 2017? To put that number in perspective, in 2012, Chromebooks made up less than a single... Read More
    Blog Posts
    20 min read

    Canada's Digital Divide: How Wide is it and Can it be Solved?

    Educational technology—how we use it now, how we’ll use it in the future—is of paramount importance to any discussion of education. Teachers, students, administrators,... Read More
    4 min read

    Horry County Libraries Provide Hotspots for Students without Internet

    Original article can be found on WBTW News 13. By Stacy Inez; July 19, 2018 HORRY COUNTY, SC (WBTW) – The Horry County Memorial Library System received a... Read More
    Homework Gap
    12 min read

    How to Close the Homework Gap. Together.

    In recent years, there have been amazing strides to close the Homework Gap that exists between school-age students who have broadband Internet access and those who do... Read More