Blog Posts

    Customer Stories
    6 min read

    Affton: Implementing a 1:1 Without Creating a Digital Divide

    Technology was in a sorry state at Affton School District in 2012: The infrastructure was fragile, there was struggling wireless connectivity in the school, students were... Read More
    10 min read

    Raytown School District: Improved Bus Rider Behavior with SmartBus

    The Raytown School District in Missouri is committed to providing its nearly 9,000 K-12 students, more than 50 percent of whom qualify for the free and reduced-cost... Read More
    Homework Gap
    7 min read

    Chicago Public Schools: Extending the Impact of Mobile Devices

    Despite facing challenges that are common in large, urban school districts today, Chicago Public Schools has been on the leading edge of innovation regarding... Read More
    9 min read

    Beaufort: Local Library WiFi Lending

    Beaufort County middle schools in South Carolina issued all of their students a laptop. However, in some areas of the county, students had difficulty... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    6 Key Steps to Successfully Deploying Devices in the Classroom

    Deploying hundreds of devices can be overwhelming, and even more so if you don’t have a plan before the devices arrive on school grounds. Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    13 min read

    [UPDATED] Top Educational Websites Your Students Actually Visit

    There you have it, the top 10 educational websites students visit from 2018 (Jan. 1 through April 4, 2018). Here’s how Kajeet pulls these stats... Read More
    Digital Learning
    8 min read

    Access to Digital Learning Resources: Where We Are Today

    Every day, students face challenges with gaining access to digital learning resources outside of the classroom. When integrating digital learning resources in schools,... Read More
    Digital Learning
    12 min read

    5 Tips for Teacher Tech Leaders

    If there’s a front line in the ed tech revolution shaping school districts across the country, it’s filled with great teachers. While any successful tech... Read More
    Blog Posts
    7 min read

    Traditional vs. Digital: The Changing Educational Content Scene - Updated

    What once seemed like the most economical and practical learning tool—printed textbooks—is fast being replaced by digital solutions that are lower in cost and easier to... Read More