Blog Posts

    Homework Gap
    11 min read

    Connecting Rural Students

    In rural America, 39 percent of households do not have access to high-speed Internet, which equates to 23 million people, according to the FCC 2016 Broadband... Read More
    8 min read

    How Much Data Does a Student Need?

    To close the Homework Gap, just how much data does a student need? This is not a simple question, but it is an important one that is addressed in the CoSN... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    8 min read

    Bus Wi-Fi: Saving Time for Your Students

    The average K-12 student spends 48.6 minutes per day riding the school bus. With 180 school days in an academic year, that means on average a student spends... Read More
    Bus WiFi
    7 min read

    Improve Bus Behavior with WiFi

    School buses have always had issues with misbehaving students. Picture it. You have 50 or 60 students from various grade levels in a confined area, before or... Read More
    Customer Stories
    4 min read


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    Blog Posts
    7 min read

    Do Cell Phones Belong in Elementary Schools?

    It’s hard to believe that, not long ago, cell phones were a rare sight. Now, they’re everywhere—including in our elementary schools. And their appearance in the small... Read More
    Digital Learning
    12 min read

    10 Programs Tech-Savvy Districts Are Launching This Fall

    3D printers. Virtual reality. Tele-teaching. If it sounds like a vision of the future, it’s not. This technology is already here. Across the country,... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage increased... Read More
    6 min read

    Report: What, When, How WiFi is Used on School Buses

    According to the American School Bus Council, 26 million students ride a school bus each year. Considering even students with a relatively short, 20-minute commute can... Read More